We seem to forget our flag (also known as the national symbol) until August 14th each year. At which point everyone and their aunt is trying to sell you one.
For the last few years, I have tolerated our national flag with various things printed on it; Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Allama Iqbal, Quaid e Azam, hearts, US flag, etc etc.
Now, while really there are equally good reasons to have images of Mickey, Donald and Daffy (and of course Iqbal and Jinnah), there are no good reasons to have their images on the flags themselves. If Quaid e Azam had wanted his photo on the flag, he would have put it there himself!
This showed the apathy of not only our State which allowed the sale of such flags (desecration is not just burning the flag), but also our general public which happily bought such things.
But this year, we have hit a new high. We have actually managed to change the name of the country!!! It is now PAKISRTAN!
Excuses aside (as I've heard them all in a day or so....the printers were not educated, they don't know English, etc etc), WHY must you write anything on the flag at all???? We have 'dil dil Pakistan', 'I love my country' (which is apparently PAKISRTAN).
People, if you don't respect in entirety your flag, you will not respect anything that it represents; ie this country.
Happy Birthday anyways.......Pakistan!